Kratos Max Trial MLF – SOLD OUT

(3 customer reviews)



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‘What’s in your tackle box’


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This is simply the best product available for energy, focus and peak performance. This complete system of product was a part of my secret plan during the past 2016 season. I have never felt better. This product truly lives up to the guarantee they offer. Just amazing!

-Gary Klein

So many of you wonder what drives the pros to be the best. Well, yes, talent is a big driver. But the main motivation (and ask any pro today) is the ‘love of the sport’ and the excitement of the hunt to catch fish. The desire to be the best and be on top of the leaderboard never hurts either.

With countless hours on the water in all weather conditions requires them to function at an elevated level 24/7. For the first time in decades, we have two of the leading hall of fame fisherman stepping up to endorse the ‘highest quality’ – ‘super premium’ products available today.

They came to us.

All we did is let them try the product and test it.

Let’s face it. Not ALL tackle works for every person. There is finesse and skill. Not to mention years of experience. But Blackfish5™ is unlike anything you have ever tried.

You want limitless energy? We have it.

You want focus and concentration? We have it.

You want something that will draw down the stress? We have it.

Blackfish5™ did not mess around taking nearly 50 years of experience to calibrate the perfect product which allows YOU to use it to meet your needs.

They formulated the optimum therapeutic dose for the human body.

They slammed a 60 Day Money Back guarantee on all the products they sell.

But everyone is different – You say? That’s right, some are larger than others, have slower metabolism, need to eat more, sleep longer. Everyone is different. So Blackfish5™ put it in a capsule so you can regulate how much you take with the perfect composition in every capsule. You cannot do that with a powder.

It is easy to carry. Easy to take. It works fast to provide you with winning energy, focus and stamina to fish all day and not get tired.

The cool thing about Blackfish5™ is that it works!

This is the first time ever, Blackfish5™ is giving away FREE sample. But the pros asked us to introduce it to their patrons because they don’t want to slam anyone with a hard sell. Guys and gals, here you go.

This one is on Us!

Fish long, Fish hard, Fish to win! – Blackfish5™ – “If you Trust Science, Trust Us!”™


NOW: Register for your FREE TRIAL – “No strings attached”

In 10 days you will get a coupon for 50% off a full month supply, exclusive to the individual who claimed their FREE TRIAL.

When you redeem you month supply, we will pay for the shipping.

SAVE YOUR DOLLARS  to put toward some new tackle, rods or line.

Soon you will know the secret of what it is like to be: #poweredbykratosmax™



The Science Behind the Product:

Kratos Max™ is one of the best-kept secrets on the planet. So do not limit yourself. Do not be hesitant to think you are not good enough or big enough to use Kratos Max™. Begin today to enjoy the finest product available today!

Core Strength:
For those who work out regularly building core strength helps with balance and centering your strength in many aspects. Some workouts such as ‘CrossFit’ and yoga have intense focus on core strength. Kratos Max™ is a complex formula designed to assist the body’s development but adding the right balance to help muscles peak at the right time. Building core strength requires endurance and the energy to work your core so you will get stronger. You will feel stronger and have more energy as you build strength during your workouts when you take Kratos Max™.

Muscle Strength:
Everyone wants to be stronger! For those who commit to weight training as their main hobby, will be shocked on how great you feel and the strength you will gain because you will have the energy to lift harder, endure longer work-outs and maintain the motivation to ‘hammer’ you workouts

For the rest of us who work out weekly, monthly and daily with light to heavy exercise, get ready! You will feel amazing as you get through your exercise activity and begin the process of building new muscle.

V02 Capacity Performance:
So how do you improve your lung capacity and ability to exercise longer without getting tired? Well you need to increase your cardio endurance and stamina. You must be able to push yourself. When you take Kratos Max™ it will jump start you by giving you the energy to get through your activities with ‘a bump in each and every step’.

Get the motivation to push your limits, to improve and become better today! Not tomorrow!

Cognitive Focus:
During our research & development we discovered from Olympic athletes that focus during all activity is one of the key secrets to excelling in all sports activities. When your focus is peaking, so will your performance. This is a critical need for all who love to be active. Not to mention, all of us have so many distractions today that challenge our objective to have the pinpoint focus to be active, push our workouts to the limit and make it through the next milestone we face.

“Simply the best product available for energy, focus and peak performance.”

Gary Klein

3 reviews for Kratos Max Trial MLF – SOLD OUT

  1. Nathaniel – Idaho

    Nathaniel – Idaho – April 4, 2016:
    I really like this pre-work out. It’s awesome that it’s in pill. Any pre-work out I’ve ever taken was a mix. That was a hassle to mix every time, and they never tasted well. I hadn’t been using any pre-work out prior to starting Kratos Max. It’s very effective. Before I was crashing in the gym and feeling fatigued and tired, like I was out of energy and lethargic. Even on the first day with Kratos Max it was completely different. I was energetic, and I was doing more. I didn’t get tired, and there wasn’t an energy crash like I’ve experienced with other products. I also didn’t get any jitters, or flushing of the skin.
    A very effective and clean feeling supplement. I would recommend.


  2. Mike

    Mike – May 2, 2016:
    This product has increased my everyday energy and focus during and after workouts. I have taken multiple energy supplements before and often experience a surge of energy followed by a crashing period. After taking Kratos for over two weeks now, it does not give me a surge of energy followed by a crashing period. It is a sustained period of energy which lasts for hours. Furthermore, I feel like I get more accomplished after my workouts. After I take Kratos, I feel that I have more energy and time in the day because I do not feel tired or lethargic throughout the day. It is changing the way I operate at work.

    Special Operation Forces – Mike

  3. Quade

    Quade – August 24, 2016:
    Awesome pre workout! Good energy and a great pump. Made me feel like a beast!

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